Coronation Park

August 1938

Mexborough and Swinton Times, August 31, 1938

Coronation Park

Coronation Park throughout the summer has been a delightful spectacle, and its prettily arranged beds of flowers have aroused much favourable comment.

The Park is now looking better than it has done since it was given to the township by Mrs. Godfrey Walker, and it is a decided credit to the gardeners. The experiment of making flower beds with no protective railings was a bold step, but it has apparently been appreciated by children as well as by adults, for there are no signs of depredations, though the sight of so many lovely flowers must have been a temptation to many of the youngsters.

The ornamental shrubs which caused so much concern when they were split up and their positions changed some months ago appear to have done quite nicely in their new positions and to-day Coronation, Park is worthy of its name.