Court Briefs

November 1902

Mexborough and Swinton Times November 28, 1902

Obscene Language

For having used obscene language at Goldthorpe, on 15 November, John Ward, a miner of that place was ordered to pay an inclusive penalty of 14 shillings.

No Light

For having to be driven vehicles without a light, Joseph Barber, Hawker, Doncaster, and Tom Moore, butcher, Conisborough was fined 2/6 and five shillings respectively including costs.

No Control at Conisborough

Charles Tinker, greengrocer, Conisborough, was summoned for not having a horse in the proper control at that place on the 15th inst.

PC Thompson deposed that at 5 PM on the date in question he was on duty in Low Road, Conisborough, near the three horse shoes Inn, when he saw the defendant’s horse and cart standing with no one in charge. There were a number of children about, and a boy each six climbed onto the spokes of the wheel, and looked into the cart.

Witness remain near the vehicle about 20 minutes when the defendant came out of the public house.

Defendant, who pleaded not guilty, was fined five shillings and costs.