Mexborough and Swinton Times June 17, 1905
“Bounce Ball” at New Conisborough
Three New Conisborough pony drivers named Frank Ogley, William Smith, and Alfred Booker were summoned for having played at bounce ball in Edlington Street, new Conisborough, on June 3 to the danger of the public.
PC Lund proved the case.
They had numerous complaints from residents in Edlington Street.
Each defendant was ordered to pay the costs
Obscene Language at Conisborough
A Conisborough labourer named George Clark, Jr, was summoned at the instance of George Clarkson, confectioner, for having used obscene language towards it.
Defendant did not appear.
Mr F Allen, who appeared for complainant said on Friday week the defendant went into his yard, and wanted to have a ride in one of his conveyances.
He was refused, and then he commenced to use very abusive language. He was ordered off the premises. Afterwards he went into the street, where he raised a large crowd by his violent conduct.
The Chairman said it was a bad case, and the defendant would have to pay 10 shillings and 23 shillings costs.
Wilful Damage at Conisborough
More wheat damages from Conisborough appeared, summoned at the instance of William White Norwood of Conisborough.
Their names were Hugh Shawcross, Labour; Frederick Waterhouse, Cpl, New Conisborough; George Watkin, miner, New Conisborough; Andrew Howarth, miner, New Conisborough; Frederick Welsby, miner, New Conisborough; and Ben Hudson, miner, New Conisborough; but only the latter two appeared
Mr W Baddiley prosecuted, says that on 28th of May the defendants were seen by PC Alexander and Mr Norwood in a wheat field, near North Cliff, trampling the growing corn down.
Mr Norwood proves the damage at 2s 6d (12.5p)
Wellsby and Hudson were fined five shillings and ordered to pay the damage and costs and the others 10 shillings and the damage and costs.