Cricket Among Growing Grass At Conisboro’

September 1906

Cricket Among Growing Grass At Conisboro’.

Mr. Bosdin J. Clarkson, confectioner, of Conisboro’, summoned a group of pony drivers, respectively named John Tranter, Thomas Tranter, Herbert Pemberton, Frank Pemberton, John Smith, and Chas. Bevington, all of Conisboro’, none of whom, however, appeared the complaint being that a field of growing grass in the occupancy of Mr. Clarkson, had been spoiled by defendants trespassing upon it.

Mr. Cadiley prosecuted on behalf of complainant.

Police-constable Cousins stated that on the 23rd August he was on duty near the field in question, and saw defendants engaged in a game of cricket. When he (witness) proceeded to take out his book the defendants ran away. He had previously warned defendants against the practice and subsequently he overtook one of the defendants who wished he had taken the constable’s advise and kept away. The field had bare patches all over it, and there was from 7 to 8 acres with nothing at all on it on account of playing games there.

Mr. B. J. Clarkson assessed the damage at 1/- each.

Each defendant was ordered to pay a fine of 5/- and costs 6/6, and the damage.