Cricket Prospects

21 April 1951

South Yorkshire Times, April 21, 1951

Cricket Prospects

Hickleton secretary Harry Goldthorpe tells me  that they will begin the new season with pretty much the same side as that which finished joint tenth (with 65 per cent from 15 fixtures) last year. Interesting note is the possibility of a coaching scheme being introduced Hickleton certainly have two expert tutors. —Hutchinson (picture, left) and Mitchell who will have charge of the Yorkshire Council side. Fixtures are similar to last season’s. the club incorporating their annual outing with the Scarborough fixture. Hickleton colliery staff will again be competing in the N.C.B. League (won last season by Area). These fixtures begin in the first week in May.

Swinton made an early start to cricket practice this week. They have lost Stables, Colton and West to the Forces (they might be able to play occasionally, but cannot, of course, be relied on to be available In view of their Forces service) and Bailey and Palmer, Roland Butler (picture, right), Ward, Cummins and Cutts will still be there, but secretary E. J. Cameron reports “No new blood this season to date.”

Feature at Swinton this season is the new £200 Sainsbury Knock-Out competition which has already aroused a good deal of interest and promises to be very popular.

Denaby and Cadeby are all set for another good season and hope that this (third) time will “pay for all” in the Championship. Jim Richards will skipper the Council side with George Allen now retired from active cricket and secretary Amos Jones says they promise to have another good side, last season’s players again being available. In addition, news came on Wednesday of one newcomer, wicket-keeper J. W. Higgins, who has had six years in the Bradford League (five with Bowling Old Lane) and has played with Yorkshire Colts.

Mexborough may have newcomers including Palmer from Swinton, though I understand that it is now doubtful whether Wilf Broadhead, former Swinton skipper, will be playing with the club, as was previously his intention.