Sheffield Independent February 16, 1897
Cruelty to a Pit Pony
A youth named George Waites, pony driver, was brought before the Rotherham West Riding magistrates yesterday for cruelty to a pony at Denaby Main colliery on February 4th.
Mr Hickmott prosecuted.
Robert Gibson, a corporal, said he saw the defendant kick and thrash a pony named Giant. The kick was severe, inflicting two wounds from which blood oozed. The pony had to be sent to the stables.
John Guesy, the horse keeper, said the pony was all right when it was given out to the defendant, and when returned it was in such a state that it had to cease work for three shifts.
The Chairman (Mr HW Verelst) said the Bench had decided to convict. There were a great many of these cases of cruelty to pit ponies, and the magistrates were determined, if possible, to put it down.
If they have the power they would have been inclined to give the defendant a flogging, to enable him to feel what pain was.
Their fined him 20 shillings and costs.