Cruelty to a Pit Pony at Denaby

August 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 12 August 1892

Cruelty to a Pit Pony at Denaby

John Hanks, of Denaby, was mulcted in a penalty of 20s. and costs for having ill-treated a pony in the Denaby Main Colliery, by kicking it, on the 28th July.

Wm. Wright, deputy, said that about halfpast 12 o’clock on the day named he saw the defendant driving a pony named Spot. Because the animal did not stop when told, defendant kicked it three times on the legs.

When spoken to defendant asked witness not to summons him, but fine him.

Defendant was wearing clogs at the time.

John Guest, horse keeper, also gave evidence.

The skin was knocked off the pony’s legs.