Cruelty to a Pony at Cadeby.

October 1910

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 01 October 1910

Cruelty to a Pony at Cadeby.

Mr. F: Allen appeared on behalf of the Denaby and Cadeby Colliery Company, in respect to a case of using cruelty to a pony in the Cadeby pit on September 13th.

The defendant, William Churms, of New Conisboro, a middle aged man, was acting in that rapacity on the date named.

George Walker, horsekeeper, saw the defendant kick the animal twice on the belly as he was bringing it in. As a result the animal was off its work five days. The kicks were violent ones, and caused considerable swelling.

William Harrison corroborated.

In finding the defendant 5/- and costs (16/6), the Chairman impressed upon him that, on a re-appearance on a similar charge. he would be sent to prison without the option of a fine.