Cruelty to a Pony at Denaby

March 1907

Mexborough and Swinton Times, March 2nd 1907

Cruelty to a Pony at Denaby

Albert Orchard, pony driver, Denaby, was summoned at the instance of the Denaby and Cadeby colliery company for cruelty to a pony in 31 January.

The case was adjourned at the previous court for the attendance of a witness

Mr F. Allen who prosecuted, asked the magistrates to impress on the boy the gravity of his offence. He threw a stone at the pony, and knocked its eye completely out,

Last week’s evidence was repeated and was corroborated by the additional witness, Harold Marsden, also a pony driver, who explained that he could not find his way to the court on the previous occasion.

“I never threw the stone at all at the horse,” was Orchards only defence when the magistrates had imposed a penalty of 30/- and costs. He amused the court by pluckily shouting out: “Well gentlemen. I have not done it and I don’t intend to pay.”