Cultivates & Carves Flowers – Conisborough Man’s Dual Interests

November 1937

Mexborough and Swinton Times November 26, 1937

Cultivates and Carves Flowers
Conisborough Man’s Dual Interests

Soft light fell from a dainty shade, worked delicately in silks, and reflected warmly from t h e bright walls. In one corner blazed a bowl of gold and bronze chrysanthemums . About the room were flowers of summers past—delicately carved in polished wood.

This was the home of Mr. Ives Beachill, that master gardener of Conisboro’ whose wide experience and untiring devotion help to create that blaze of floral glory in Denaby Memorial Park and at Conisborough in the Coronation Park below the castle.   For nearly fourteen years Mr. Beachill has lent his skill to what has become the admiration not only of two townships but also of countless visitors.

Gigantic Task.

Thousands of plants and bulbs go into the creation of this pageant of the seasons. During the busy spells of the year—spring and late autumn—Mr. Beaill and his assistants undertake the gigantic task of changing over from the old stock to the new. There are 64 beds in four sections of the Denaby Memorial Park, a centre piece, and one separate section of 12 beds. Over 25,000 wallflowers go to form the nucleus of the blooms of early spring. Each separate bed will take anything up to 250 plants and thousands of daffodils are set in clumps of eighteen to twenty at a time. This has been the work of the past few days. The change-over takes at least a fortnight to complete.

Contrary to what might be expected, most flowers do well in either park. Only roses fail to accommodate themselves to the smoky atmosphere in Denaby; they thrive remarkably well in Conisborough.

Five allotments in Conisborough help to prepare the bedding plants for transportation to the parks, and there are also two greenhouses for plants of more delicate nature. The colour schemes are the work of the Urban Council Surveyor, Mr. H. Thirlwall; they are changed each year.

Through Mr. Beachill’s care they spring to life. He has three assistants. Mr. Cyril Rich, Mr. R. Riby and Mr. B. Humphries. At one time his son, Mr. Leslie Beachill, who is also a skilful gardener, assisted him. He is now in Coventry.

Another Beauty Spot.

Mr. Beachill carries his great love of gardening to his home in Minney Moor Lane, where three enthusiastic “assistants” (Its wife and two daughters) have helped to create another little beauty spot. Both daughters and son are of artistic temperament.

About the house are delightful examples of the creative ability of Miss Phyllis Beachill, who, for some time, attended a Doncaster art school, and who conducts an evening class at Conisborough in arts and crafts. She is equally skilled in pewter, leather, silks or colours (the dainty lamp shade was her work). Miss Joyce Beachill is a very clever worker of embroidery. Mr. Leslie Beachill shares his father’s liking and skill for wood carving.

Woodcarving is Mr. Beachill’s hobby. This is yet another medium in which he expresses his lifelong fondness of flowers. One outstanding piece of his work, a card tray, was some time ago purchased at a Doncaster bazaar by the Bishop of Sheffield, who later gave it as a present to Lord Jellicoe’s daughter. Under his skilful touch flowers bloom which are not to die with the season. His favourite? Roses! But perhaps you guessed!