Damaging Fence at Conisborough

October 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 24 October 1902

Damaging Fence at Conisborough

Fredrick Beaumont and Edward Dirkin, miners, of Conisborough were summoned by Bosdin James Clarkson, farmer and confectioner, Conisboro’, for having damaged a fence at that place on the 10th inst.

Mr. W. Baddiley prosecuted, and said the defendants were seen by two policemen, to climb over a gate and newly-repaired fence, the latter being damaged. The miners frequently went over the private property of the prosecutor from the Denaby Main pit to Conisboro’, and the fences were considerably damaged. The prosecutor did not wish to unduly press the case, but simply to put a stop to wanton destruction.

After hearing the evidence of P.c.’s Defence and Thompson, the case against Beaumont was withdrawn, on his undertaking to pay the costs but Dirkin, who did not appear, was fined 1s. and costs.