Damaging Trees At Denaby.

April 1912

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 15 April 1912

Damaging Trees At Denaby.

Three Denaby lads, Albert Wells, pit corporal; Frank Mills and Thomas Boyers, pony drivers, were summoned at Doncaster, on Saturday for damaging trees at Bolton Mill Wood on March 30th.

The two Mills had axes and the other man a saw. About 17 trees had been felled in half an acre, and the damage was assessed at 10s, each.

The two Mills were ordered to pay 27s. each and the other defendant 29s. 6d.

For stealing timber from the same wood on April 9th, Benjamin Parry, dataller: John Steverton and Isaiah Showed, fillers, Denaby, were fined, Showell 35s. and the other two 27s.