Mexborough and Swinton Times February 29, 1908
Death of an Old Denaby Main CheckWeighman.
A Founder of Local Trades Unionism.
BT the death of Mr. James Mansland, in. his 77th year, which occurred at his residence in Doncaster Road, Mexborough on Monday last, there passed away a figure that at one time gave prominent service for miners and Trades -Unionism.
Mr Marsland had lived in Mexborough, for a period of over forty years, and older inhabitants will still recall his election as the first checkweighman by the men at Denaby Main Colliery. In that position he was looked upon by the miners as a worthy representative of their interests. He was also one of the founders of the first Denaby Main branch of Trades Unionism, which at that time, 1868 or 1869-was affiliated to the South Yorkshire Miners Association, before the present Yorkshire Miners’ Association sprang, into existence.
That local lodge was in reality the outcome of a miners’ meeting on the Canal Bridge, between Mexborough and Denaby, during a lock-out, which extended for about six months.
The men once they had decided to have a lodge, marched straight to the George and Dragon Hotel, where it was then and there founded.
After that dispute the Union was recognised by the colliery company, and things were just in proper odder.
Mr. MarsLand held the position of check-weigh-man for a period of eleven years at the close of whitch he went out of mining life — to the great regret of his comrades —and took the grocery business in Doncaster Road, in which he was associated to his death–a period of 29 years.
His last illness was only of three weeks’ duration, and his demise takes from the district a worker in the best, sense of the word.
A churchman, Mr. Marsland for the greater part of his life was a Liberal in politics but in his declining days he was a firm believer in the principle of Tariff Reform, he considering such legistation necessary for the betterment of the industrial conditions of this country.
His wife predeceased him exactly 16 mars on Thursday, when his funeral ‘took place amid many manifestations of regret.