South Yorkshire Times January 8, 1966
Death of Conisbrough Youth Club Leader
Mr Colin Jackson (43), part-time youth leader of Conisbrough and Denaby you for more than 15 years, died suddenly at his home 19 Highfield Road, Conisbrough, on Friday.
Mr Jackson was at one time a member of the club, and he then became a voluntary leader. In 1950 he was appointed part-time paid leader, and was a popular personality among leaders and youth club members. For some time Mr Jackson had been club secretary and was making plans for the clubs Silver Jubilee celebration in May. He also took a very active part in the Mexborough youth football league, and was for some time the treasurer.
On Staff
Mr Jackson had worked on the staff at Steel Peech and Tozer for 22 years. He was for many years and inspector of ladders before joining the staff of the firm’s planning engineer department.
Mr Ian Howard, Mexborough Area Youth Officer, said “Jackson’s death is a great blow to the service. Every member of the divisional youth service will extend their sympathy to Mr Jackson.”
Mr Jackson leaves a widow and a 15-year-old son. The funeral service was held at the Wesleyan Church, Conisbrough on Tuesday, followed by cremation at Doncaster. The Reverent D. H. Macdonald paid tribute to his great work for you and the community.
The principal mourners were Mrs. Jackson (widow), Master P. Jackson (son) Mrs L. Jackson, Mr A. Jackson, Mr J. Coppen, Miss R. Coppe, Mr and Mrs. H. Baxendale, Mr and Mrs. H. Shires, Mr R. Croxall, Mr A. Croxall, Mr and Mrs D. Croxall, Mr and Mrs A. Empson, Mr P. Empson, Mr S. Jackson and enis, Mr and Mrs L. Moorhouse, Mr and Mrs. C. Jackson, Mr and Mrs L. Bassindale, Mr W. Price and Jane, Mr T. Chapman, Mr G. Empson, Betty and Derek, Mr and Mrs L. Dodd, Mr and Mrs. P. Bell, Mr and Mrs N. Corbett, Mr and Mrs A. Braude, Mrs. A Hurst, Mr and Mrs. Are. Win Penner and David, Mr and Mrs. C. Cook.
Mr T. Collingham (Chairman Balby Street. Youth club) and Mrs Collingham. Mr and Mrs R. Savage, Mr and Mrs J. Colliery, Mrs K. Webb, and Mrs L. Whitaker.
Others attending were Mr I. K. Hetherington (headmaster Balby Street School), Mrs G Kitson (Warmsworth youth club). Mr A Jones. Mr and Mrs P. G. Chadwick, Mrs. West, Mrs Taylor, Mr T. E. Townend Mr C. Wileman, Mr T. Holcroft, Mrs, J. Burdett, Mrs E. Hibberd, Mrs F. Smith, Mr and Mrs. H. Peet Mr GH Johnson (Organising Secretary West Riding Youth Clubs), Mr and Mrs E law (Kilnhurst youth club). Representing the Denaby Balby Street club and Conisbrough section were Mr P. Bedford, J. Hodgson, Master J. Walton, Mrs I. Darwin, P. Woodward and Messrs John Edwards, Neil Peart and Maurice Wright
Mr and Mrs C. K, Mr F. G. L Stone representing Hickleton Main youth club, Mr J. Hay (Mexborough Schofield technical College), Mr and Mrs F. Markley, Mr L. Howard (and the EU officer), Mrs J Jackson (Mexborough youth Centre) Mr G. Pickstone (Brampton youth club), Mr C. Stones (Denaby Tom Hill youth club), Mr F. Briggs (Denaby five a side tournament), Mr W. Price (Penistone Area Youth Movement), Mr J. T. E. Collins, there were also representatives from Messrs. Steel Peech and Tozer and many others who followed the cartage.
Floral tributes included those through the family, relatives, Conisbrough and Denaby Youth Club and friends, members, management and staff at Tom Hill youth club, headteacher and staff’s, Balby Street School, workmates at Steel Peech and Tozer, planning engineer; all employees at Steel Peech and Tozer, Conisbrough Windmill Youth football team, and many others, many flowers were left at the church.
The funeral directors were J. and E. Burdett, 12 New Hill, Conisbrough, and 84 Tickhill Street, Denaby Main. Tell nos. Conisbrough 3277, 3307.