Mexborough and Swinton Times October 14, 1898
Death of First Cadeby Mason
“Ivanhoe ” writes:—I am very sorry indeed to have to record the death of poor George Watson, which took place on Sunday-last at his home, 5, Bond street, .Doncaster.
Deceased had been, employed as a mason by the Denaby Main Colliery Company for about ten years, he being one of the first workmen at the Cadeby Colliery.
He was a strict teetotaller, and a non-smoker, and his fellow-workmen speak of him as being very generous, straightforward, and hard-Working.
Poor Watson was taken very ill about thirteen months ago, and since then he has been ‘unable to follow his employment.
The funeral took place at Doncaster on Wednesday after, noon. Deceased was 67 years of age, and leaves behind a widow and family of several grown-up children to mourn his loss.
The mourners have the sympathy of all the workmen at Cadeby Main Colliery in their sad bereavement.