Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby Declare After Long Innings

30 May 1970

South Yorkshire Times, May 30th, 1970

Denaby Declare After Long Innings – But Hope To Be Back Next Year

One of the oldest members of the Yorkshire Council, Denaby and Cadeby Cricket Club have had to withdraw for the first time in their history because of a shortage of players. Retirements and loss of players to other clubs have hit Denaby and Cadeby so hard that the club can only field one team.  And as these are mainly youngsters, it has been decided to keep them in the Doncaster League

But the club has retained membership of the Council despite having forfeited this year’s fixtures…thanks to committee member Bill Lawley, speaking up for Denaby at a special meeting of the Council management committee.

Mr. Lawley explained that the club had lost stalwarts Arthur Ellis and Norman Oakley through retirement, and Peter Elkins, Dick Lawley and Tony Hough to other clubs and pointed out Denaby’s excellent record in the past.

The Council committee decided to allow Denaby to retain membership and expressed a hope that they would be able to play again next year.

Bill Lawley told the “South Yorkshire Times”, “We have been going through a lean spell in the past few seasons, and we were relegated to the second division of the South Riding section for the first time ever last year.”

“When the start of the season came round, we found there were only two regular first-teamers left – Dick Cory and Roy Dodds – and we could only put only team out.”


“We put it to the lads and they decided it would be doing the Council an injustice if they played, because they felt they weren’t up to the standard yet.  Perhaps next year…”

The club management will be working hard through the close season to find local talent and build up a team capable of Council cricket.  Said Mr. Lawley “At one time it was a crime if Denaby lost more than one match a season.”

Last season Denaby won only two matches out of 22, and had to field eight players.  Said Mr Lawley “We are hoping to be back next year.  It is up to me to get some homework done and find players who can make Denaby a great side again.”