Mexborough and Swinton Times, December 10.
Denaby Main Colliery.
800 Men and Boys under Notice.
At noon on Saturday last, all the men and boys at Denaby Main, numbering about 800 hands, received notice to give up their employment in 14 days from that date.
On Thursday last the men had a meeting, at which it was decided that a deputation should wait upon the manager (Mr Warburton) asking for an advance of 5% on the present rate of wages, on the ground that the recent improvement in trade warranted their asking for such an advance.
The very day that the report of the miners meeting appeared in the papers, the employers notice to the men was posted.
On behalf of their employees it is stated that the men the last two years and had full employment, but the demand for coal having fallen off, it has been found necessary to resort to a large amount of “stacking” in order to keep the men regularly at work. The notice does not state on what grounds with what intention it is given, but it is generally believed to be for the purpose, if possible, of effecting a reduction in wages.
What the result of this divergences in views between employers and employed at Denaby Main will be remains to be seen, but it is earnestly to be hoped that some amicable arrangement will be made between the two parties air, the notice terminates, as such a large number of people being unemployed would be a more serious matter, not only for the parties immediately concern, but also for tradespeople of Mexborough, generally.
We trust the miners of Denaby Main in this case, as in the last dispute, will show by their words and actions that they are not only men, but gentlemen belonging to that dignified part of the community called the working class.