Demolition and Road Works

December 1930

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 19 December 1930

Demolition and Road Works

Now that the houses in Brook Square are empty it would be as well if the authorities got on with the business of demolition. The block may become a menace, for it is obviously an ideal place for vermin to breed, and from the health point of view the work should be speeded up. From the traffic point of view also this is very desirable.

It is to be hoped that the Unemployment Grants Committee quickly comes to the aid of the Park Road widening scheme. There is no pavement, and in winter residents have a very uncomfortable time. With the erection of so many Council houses there is a great volume of traffic. The proposed alterations would make the road much safer for children who go that way to school.

The scheme is in two parts, one to cover Park Road from Marsh Street to the end and the other for the construction of a new road from Ellershaw Lane and through Rock Row, necessitating the demolition of that row, to avoid an awkward corner, and coming out near to the Cemetery, thus doing away with the hairpin bend at Rock House, though this road would still be retained. The estimated cost of the scheme is £7,800, and more than half of this would be expended on labour.

There is work here for twenty men for a year. The cost to the ratepayers would be about one farthing in the pound for fifteen years, and less than three farthings for the second period of fifteen years. It appears as though this scheme and the Denaby Manorial Park scheme will mature before the one for Denaby streets on which the unemployed have set such hopes.

There is also the scheme to connect Sheffield Road to Old Road but one cannot see the urgency or desirability of this at present.