Denaby and Cadeby Gesture – Miners Help `Affray’ Fund

June 1951

South Yorkshire Times, June 23, 1951

Denaby and Cadeby Gesture

Miners Help `Affray’ Fund

Trade union branches at Denaby and Cadeby Collieries have agreed to one stoppage from each worker’s weekly wage for contribution to the “Affray” appeal fund. The adult levy will be 3d and the boys rate 1d.

Following agreement from these two branches, the Clerk to Conisbrough Council (Mr R.W.Birch) is to ask other industrial concerned in the district as they would be willing to make similar contributions.

Councillor I Houghton (Chairman of the Council), said on Monday that if the response of other industries was positive, a substantial sum be realised for the fund.

Councillor A. Shepard reported that Denaby United Supporters Club had given five guineas for the appeal.

Councillor G Cheshire appeal for public support at a dance in Denaby Baths Hall on June 29, proceeds of which are to be devoted to the Disaster Fund.