Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries – Annual Report

October 1929

Western Mail – Friday 18 October 1929

Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries.

The report of Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries for year ended June 30. 1929, shows profit, after appropriating £10,000 from reserve for taxation not now required, and providing for interest on debentures, depreciation, management expenses and directors’ fees, £10.546. plus £15,712 brought in, total £26,258; £12,600 to 6 per cent. preference dividend, leaving £14,258, which directors recommend be carried forward.

The company is controlled by Yorkshire Amalgamated Collieries.

For 1927-28 there was a loss of 21,238; interim dividend 2 ½  per cent. and £15,712 forward after meeting preference dividend