Mexborough and Swinton Times March 20, 1936
Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries, Ltd
Annual Report
900 New Wagons Bought
The 44th annual report of the Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries, Ltd., for the year ended December, 1935, shows Trading and Sundry Profits, together with interest on loans, investments, etc., £108,536 after deducting £49,160 in respect of depreciation, directors fees and provision for income tax, there remains a balance of £59,375, which, with the balance brought forward to £20,670, gives a total of £80,045.
A sum of £12,000 has been applied in payment of the dividend. 6%. and the preference shares for the year, and the dividend on the ordinary shares is 5% less income tax. This absorbs £46,500 and leaves the carry forward at £21,545 compared with £43,920 brought him.
The dividend on the Ordinary Shares for 1934 was 2 ½%. Less tax.
During the year £30,000 has been repaid to the Yorkshire Amalgamated Colliery Ltd. in reduction of loan.
No fewer than 920 new 12 ton mainline wagons have been purchased and put into traffic in place of a similar number of hired wagons. The property of the company has been maintained in a good and efficient state throughout the year.
Trading etc. Profits for 1934 of Denaby and Cadeby – on the same basis as the present balance sheet – were £123,091, compared with £86,822 in 1933.
The paid-up capital is £1,400,000; of which £1,200,000 is in 1 pound ordinary shares and £200,000 in £10 preference. There is a loan from Yorkshire Amalgamated Collieries (of which it is one of the group), of £385,000. The reserve in the 1934 balance sheet stood at £360,158
In the 1934 accounts you ordinarily received £23,250 in dividend and the preference £12,000.
The assets now are shown as £2,316,415 meeting. Meeting Thursday, 26 March, in London.
The directors due to retire by rotation, but standing for re-election are Major J. Leslie, D. S. O., M. C. (Chairman), and Col. H. M. Stobart, C. B. E., D. S. O. The other directors are: Messrs, L. C. Hodges and Harald Peake (joint managing directors), Sir George Higgins, Messrs. F. J. Dundas, W. H. McConnell and Kenneth R. Ellie, M. C. The secretary is Mr. John H, Dunk,