Mexborough and Swinton Times October 2, 1896
The Denaby and Cadeby Main United Cricket Club
Annual Dinner
The annual dinner was held at the Denaby Main hotel on Tuesday evening, when upwards of 80 sat down. Although the number who attended was not quite so large as had been expected, this did not prevent the affair being an unqualified success, and an enjoyable evening was spent by all who were present.
The dinner was provided by the landlord, Mr Lee, and reflected the greatest credit on the gentleman and the staff of assistants, both with regard to the arrangements and the manner in which it was served.
The following when included in the menu: – roast beef, roast veal, boiled mutton, ham, boiled fowl, roast fowl, Tongues, roast duck, jugged hare, plum pudding, fruit pies, jellies etc. Ample justice having been done, the cloth was removed, and arrangements made for the meeting which was the most enjoyable character, and comprised toasts, songs and speeches.
Mr H. S. Whitty was elected chairman, and Mr. Wray vice chairman. Mr Witty in his opening speech, said he took it that the Denaby and Cadeby Main United Cricket Club was a loyal one and proposed the Queen and Royal family which was drunk with musical honours.
Mr G Butcher followed with a song, for which he was encored. The toast of success to the club was proposed by Mr Scott, and seconded by Mr Moody (Conisborough), who, in doing so, made a most appropriate speech on sports and athletics, and encouraged the Denaby club to achievements of a higher order.
Mr Witty next highly delighted the company with a song from “Pirates of Penzance” opera, and, receiving an encore, delighted the company with his ventriloquial powers.
The prizes won during the season were next presented to the winners by Mr Whitty on behalf of the club as follows: – first team batting average, cricket trousers and shirt, Mr John Palmer; first team bowling average, cricket boots, Mr Edwin Whitehouse; second team bowling average, cricket back, Mr C Robinson; Thursday team batting average, engraved gold medal, Mr. Geo Butcher. The medal was generously given by M Wray pawnbroker.
Mr Butcher next entertained the company by his capital rendering of the song. “Death of Nelson,” and in response to an encore gave the “Good Rhine Wine.” Mr Moody next gave the beautiful and pathetic song, “Out in the green fields,” after which the duet, “ Larboard watch,” was given by Messrs Ellard and Butcher.
That toast of the president, Mr W. H. Chambers (who was unavoidably absent) was proposed by Mr Hill, and seconded by the secretary, Mr Fisher. The club was deeply indebted to Mr Chambers for its success. Mr Whitty responded. The toast of the host and hostess was proposed by Mr Wray, and seconded by Mr Jos Crossland. Messrs Warren and Gabe gave a song each, the former giving “Blue-eyed Millie,” which was highly creditable. The singing of Mr Butcher was a feature of the evening, and considering that he is getting on in life, the fact of him winning a medal for the best Thursday batting average entitles him to this distinction.
The proceedings closed about 10:30, Mr Lee having obtained an extension of time. Mr Ellard presided at the piano.