Sheffield Independent – Wednesday 20 August 1902
The Denaby and Cadeby Strike.
Police Court Sequel.
Assault on a Police-Sergeant.
Yesterday, at Doncaster Weal Riding Police Court, Bernard Tyrell, collier, was charged with assaulting Sergeant Seth Turner on Monday afternoon. The prisoner was defended Mr. Rowlands, of Wakefield.
Sergeant Turner deposed that at about two o’clock on Monday afternoon he was on duty in Denaby road, Conisborough, in company with three constables when be prisoner run up, along with two or three other men, to man called Howden, and strike him.
He next saw Police-constable Havisher get hold of Tyrell, and he ran up to the group. Just as he was about to get hold of Tyrell he struck witness in the chest. The police locked prisoner up. Witness afterwards visited the Police Station and charged prisoner with assaulting him in the execution his duty. Prisoner replied, might have done it, but I don’t remember.”
Cross-examined, witness said he was not present when the affair between prisoner and Bowden commenced. Howden had a pick-shaft his hand, and witness saw him strike someone with it. Witness’s helmet was not knocked off, but one of the constables’ and is helmet knocked off, and was struck on the head. He did not know whether the blow was made with the pick shaft or not. There were a good many women and children present. It was in the struggle that he got the blow on the chest.
Police constable Havisham said he was in company with another constable when he saw prisoner strike man named Howden. He went up to prisoner got hold of him and asked him his name. Prisoner struggled violently, and Sergeant Turner came to his assistance, and prisoner struck the sergeant a blow on the chest.
Examine, witness said saw the pick-shaft fell somebody. He did not see the shaft attached the man’s wrist by means of a string. He did not fall to the ground, and did not see a helmet knocked off. He saw a constable struck on the bead.
Police constable Raby deposed to seeing the rush at the man named Howden, and to seeing him struck by prisoner, and knocked him. Witness was struck the back of the head with a stone. Sergeant Turner and police constable Havisher came up at the same time and got hold of the prisoner, who struck the sergeant violently two or three times on the chest.
Cross-examined witness prisoner certainly struck twice, and he saw the pick shaft used once. His helmet was not knocked off, but it was knocked back, and caught it before it came off.
Police-constable Sharp said he saw prisoner strike Howden on the side of face and knock him down, and also saw him knock Sergeant Turner down.
Cross-examined : The pick shaft was used against several persons, but he only saw one man struck.
Mr. Rowlands, addressing the magistrates, said it was admitted by the witnesses for the prosecution that the sergeant was struck in the chest in the struggle, and it was possible that the prisoner did it, but did it unknowingly. When he was told he had assaulted the sergeant he was thunderstruck, and expressed his sorrow. He (Mr Rowlands) had been in telephonic communication with the Chief Constable at Wakefield, who once said did not wish press the case, and suggested that under the circumstances it would meet the justice of case and make the parties better friends if prisoner was was discharged on payment of costs. He contended it was the man Howden who caused the trouble. Inspector confirmed Mr. Rowland’s statement that the Chief Constable did not desire to press the case.
The Chairman said it was the duty the magistrates protect the police, but there were inclined to deal leniently with this case, and they fined prisoner 20s and 12a. 6d. Costs.
Mr. Rowlands said he made the offer he did because he be was anxious avoid conviction. This was the first charge of assault brought against the prisoner
The Chairman: The policeman was struck by the man. You cannot get over that. We think have dealt leniently.
Mr. Rowlands; You have only heard one side of the case.