Denaby and Cadeby War Heroes – An Old Debt Paid (picture)

May 1932

Mexborough and Swinton Times, May 6th, 1932

Denaby and Cadeby War Heroes

An Old Debt Paid

Mr. H. C. Harrison, formerly general manager of the Denaby and Cadeby Collieries, handing over to David Shelton, late quartermaster-sergeant, an illuminated address provided by the local War Heroes’ Fund, in recognition of gallantry during the War which earned him the Italian Cross of War and a mention in despatches.  The other man in the picture, to whom similar presentations were made are: George Osborne, late of the Coldstream Guards, ex-Sgt. James Parker, ex-Pte. John W. Miller, ex-L/Cpl. William C. Goodship and ex-Sgt. Francis A. Westlake, each of whom gained the Military Medal.