Denaby Baths – Unemployed’s Request to Council

November 1932

South Yorkshire Times – Friday 18 November 1932

Denaby Baths

Unemployed’s Request to Council

A Concession

The Conisborough Urban Council held a special meeting on Tuesday to consider the Accountant’s annual report, but the business was dealt with in committee, after the Council had disposed of an item of public interest.

A letter setting forth the objects of the newly-formed Unemployed Social Club, at Denaby, copies of which had been circulated among the Council was read, and there was a further letter asking the Council to receive a deputation from the club.

The Accountant (Mr. G. Brocklesby) said he understood the deputation wished to ask the Council for the use of the baths ball, for a boxing tournament.

Mr. H.H. Wray: If we are going to make a precedent for one charity we don’t know, where it will end, though personally I would go a long way towards helping charitable objects. I don t want to say these people, should not have the baths on favourable terms, but I want us to remember that we, are going to create a precedent.

Mr. G. A. Chadfield: If they do have the hall it will relieve some distress.

The deputation (Mr. W. L. Worsley, president of the club, and Mr. T. Ryder, treasurer), was admitted and Mr. Worsley said the trustees of the Miners’ Welfare Institute had placed the large concert room at the disposal of the unemployed for social and recreational purposes and had been very good to them in many ways. They were trying to raise a fund to give the unemployed and their children a Christmas treat. They were organising concerts and whist drives and Mr. Frank Lane had promised to put on a boxing tournament if they could get the baths hall. If the Council allowed them the use of the hall they would see that it was properly supervised and safeguarded.

The Chairman: Is that the only occasion on which you want the hall?

Mr. Worsley: It is at present.

Mr. Worsley added that what they were doing was keeping the unemployed off the streets. They were getting anything from 100 to 150 men at the club every night.

Mr. Wray: You are an old councillor. Do you think that this is not a dangerous precedent?

Mr. Worsley: I am aware you are not allowed to give public money away, but if we had not come forward it is quite possible that you might not gain any money by the hall standing. I don’t think you can say we are asking you to grant us any money.

Mr. Wray: It is not that I am against it.

Mr. Ben Roberts asked where the funds obtained by the club would be kept, and whether they proposed to issue a balance sheet.

Mr. Worsley said the treasurer had been instructed to deposit collected funds with the manager of the Welfare Institute. It was proposed to issue a balance sheet and to thank subscribers through the Press.

Mr. J. T. E. Collins said the use of the baths would entail the presence of an attendant and expense for light. He moved that the unemployed be allowed the use of the hall subject to their paying for lighting and the attendant.

Mr. Shepherd seconded.

Mr. Roberts said it they once let the hall on these terms other people would want it on similar terms. He suggested the amount the councillors subscribed individually should go towards paying the full charge for the hall.

Mr. Collins asked if the unemployed could not be allowed the use of the hall for 10s. as for a public meeting instead of the customary 50s. It was eventually decided to take this course subject to the date of the proposed tournament fitting in with other lettings.

Mr. J. T. E. Collins gave notice of a resolution with reference to the recent report of the Royal Commission on Unemployment Insurance remarking that the suggested imposition of a 4d. rate would be definitely detrimental to local authorities.

The Clerk (Mr. Spencer Baker) said the matter would probably taken up by the Urban District Councils Association.