Denaby Boxing Tournament

March 1963

South Yorkshire Times, March 23.

Denaby Boxing.

36 boxers from different Yorkshire club’s met at Denaby Baths Hall on Sunday fora tournament organised by the Ellershaw and District Amateur Boxing Club.

The tournament drew an audience of approximately 400, in the Hall, which can accommodate over 600 spectators. Said the Ellershaw team trainer, Mr N Arrowsuch, Poplar Grove, Conisbrough. “I was disappointed with the attendance in an area where boxing is supposed to be very popular.

If there was more interest he added. “then we would put on more shows.”

Among the judges was the secretary of the West Riding ABA, Mr J.W.Cox, of Rotherham, who told the “South Yorkshire Times” this week, “the tournament went remarkably well. The most important thing to remember,” he said, “is that we have not been putting on quite as many contests as we did before the days of television. This is one of way of getting the youngsters back into boxing.

Mr Cox spoke highly of the Ellershaw club success during its first year in existence. On Saturday the eight-month Ellis your team won five of their eight bout, including a victory for the Yorkshire 1963 schoolboy champion, R.Pearson, who won on points.

Prizes were presented by the manager of the Cadeby Main Colliery, Mr H.Slater, and his wife, Mrs Slater, was presented with a bouquet by the President of the Ellershaw Youth Club, Mr John Duffy. The M.C.was Mr E Langford, Cadeby NUM branch delegate.