Mexborough and Swinton times, April 28th, 1899
Successful Tea Concert and Dance at Denaby Main 250 supporters at Tea
The Denaby and Cadeby Main United Cricket club have engaged a professional cricketer to assist them in their matches during the coming season, and of course this means increased expenditure. In order to try and make a little of this necessary money, the cricket club committee decided to have a tea, concert and dance.
The president of the club, Mr Chambers, who is always ready and willing to do anything for the benefit of the cricket club, very kindly promised the committee the use of the Rossington Street schoolroom for that purpose, and the committee set to work in earnest, with the result that on Saturday evening last, April 22, this event took place. Proceedings were to commence at five o’clock with a meat tea, and during the afternoon, whilst the cricketers were engaged on the cricket field seeking an appetite, a hand of willing ladies and gentlemen were busily engaged in the Rossington Street schoolroom preparing for them an excellent tea. I looked in the room just before five o’clock and the tables were simply lauded with eatable – ham sandwiches, beef sandwiches, pork pies and pastry of all kinds.
The general opinion is that a better tea has never been provided in the district. Accommodation was made to seat about 200 at a time, when the doors were open every available seat was soon occupied, and it was marvellous how rapidly the piles of eatables vanished. Altogether nearly 250 sat down to tea, but the committee provided plenty of food and to spare. After the tables were cleared, the room was soon crowded for the concert. The worthy president, Mr Chambers, was unable to be present, so Mr Moore proposed that Mr Witty, one of the vice presidents, be elected chairman. This motion was carried and this gentleman in opening the meeting briefly explained the objects of this gathering.
He said he was very pleased indeed see such a large number of people present, and he thought it argued well for the future welfare of the club. This was the first gathering of this kind, which had been arranged by the cricket club. He should imagine, judging by the very large attendance that it would not be the last. He urge upon all young men to join the club, and try to become good cricketers. He was gently reminded that a good many of the young people present were anxious to begin dancing, therefore he should not detain them any longer by attempting to make a speech, but would at once proceed with the program. He hoped all present would have an enjoyable evening.
Songs were given by Messrs Ford, Oldfield, Hatton, Tennant, Butcher, J.Hewitt, H.S.Witty, W.Fretwell and W.Robinson, and a recitation by Mr Moore. All these artistes performed in fine style. Before the close of the concept, Mr George Butcher, in a few well chosen words, on behalf of the committee, thanked every one of the large company present for their attendance there that evening. The committeewere very pleased to see that their efforts have met with such patronage.
Mr Butcher proposed that the best thanks of this meeting be given to the lady helpers for the excellent manner in which they have carried out their work, in providing this tea. Mr George tenant, in second in this, said that undoubtably a very great share of the success of the excellent tea they had had that afternoon was due to the lady helpers. This proposition was carried with loud applause. Mr witty, on behalf of the ladies, thank them very much for their kind thought of thanks. The seats were now removed for the dancing. Mr Hewitt was the MC and he had arranged a very nice selection of dances. The room was too crowded for all to dance, but those who cared to dance enjoyed themselves immensely. It was quite amusing to watch the antics of some of the dancers. A well-known Conisbrough gentleman, for whom one would have thought well past his dancing days, fairly revelled in the fun. Dancing was kept up until about 11 o’clock, and then the merry party broke up, all going home thoroughly satisfied with the evening’s entertainment.
All the arrangements for the tea, concept and dance, were carried out without a hitch of any kind, by the following ladies and gentlemen, all of whom worked very hard indeed;
Mr and Mrs E Robinson, Mr and Mrs Mark Kaye, Mr, Mrs, and Miss Chadwick, Mr and Mrs Joseph Day, Mr and Mrs George Butcher, Mr and Mrs George Gregory, Mr and Mrs witty, Mr and Mrs J Makin, Mrs Wall, Mrs Prager, Mrs Harwood, Mrs Webber, Mrs Riley, Mrs Cooper, Mrs John J, Mr Hewitt, Mr burden, Mr Fisher, Mr Rowley, Mr Dabbs, Mr J Johnson and Mr Schofield. Mr WH Wilson presided at the piano