South Yorkshire Times , March 14,1942
Denaby Cricket Club
Deficiency Reduced By £10
The annual meeting of the Denaby Cricket Club was held on Tuesday at the Welfare Institute, Mr. W. Coates presiding.
The General secretary (Mr. J. C. Humphries) reported that the first team had a successful season finishing eighth in the Yorkshire Council table with a percentage of 59. The batting honours was to J. Wright, with an average of 36.86, and he also won the batting trophy for the Yorkshire Council. G Porter won bowling honours with an average of 10.70.
The second team suffered from the demands upon it by the first eleven, and their record in the Doncaster League was not as good as previous years. The batting honours went to J. Smith, with 41 average of 19.6. and R. Cory headed the bowling averages with an average of 7 47.
The secretary reported that income had decreased by about £30 as compared with the previous year, but expenditure had been reduced. and the club’s deficiency had been reduced from £18 to £8.
There had been no competitive tennis during 1941, but from a social print of view the section had enjoyed the season.
The bowls secretary reported that owing to difficulties in raising a team they had only had a very fair season but he had better hopes for the coming season.
The Chairman spoke of the difficulties with which the club had had to contend with during the season in getting the teams to the away grounds, and forecast that this problem would be more acute during the coming season. For this reason he could not promise that Denaby would have a second team this year. but the matter would receive the attention of the committee before any action was decided upon. All the retiring officials were re-elected.