Denaby & Cadeby – Cricket Meeting.

September 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 12 September 1942

Cricket Meeting.

At the half-yearly meeting of the Denaby and Cadeby Cricket Club, Mr. J. Humphries, the general secretary reported that he hoped he would be able to announce at the annual meeting that the club would be free of debt for the first time in many years.

Mr. E. R. Hall, who presided, with Mr. G. K. Bateson, first team captain, and Mr. G. Williams, second team vice-captain, all paid tribute to the loyalty of the players. It was pointed out that in spite of travel difficulties, due to the fact that each player had always had to make his own way to away grounds it had not once been necessary to cancel a fixture.

Two of the younger members of the team, R. Cory and H. Hirst, are to receive recognition of their good performances during the season.