Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby  174 for 8 dec. Barnsley Co-op 108 for 5

9 May 1970

South Yorkshire Times, May 9th, 1970

Denaby  174 for 8 dec. Barnsley Co-op 108 for 5

Consistent performances by their batsmen, after being put in first, enabled Denaby to declare at 174 for 8.

Leading scorers were R. Cory 57, J. Humphries 38 not out, R. Dodd 21, D. Hough 19, D. Harrison 17. For Barnsley H. Smith took 3 for 51 and, D. Atkinson 3 for 25.

Barnsley never attacked the Denaby bowling and when their fifth wicket fell at 56 they closed the game up completely and, played out time for a draw.

For ,Denaby R. Cory took 3 for 14.