Denaby & Cadeby -Thorne 77 Denaby 133 for 4 – Denaby Are Smartly Off the Mark

May 1955

South Yorkshire Times May 14, 1955

Denaby Are Smartly Off the Mark

The opinion expressed by secretary Amos Jones at Denaby and Cadeby Athletic Club’s annual meeting that the cricket section hoped to have a good season, appears to be well justified if early results are any criterion.

The Doncaster League side have won both their matches (they beat Kilnhurst in their first match, and on Saturday beat Whiston Parish Church by six wickets) while the Yorkshire Council side went to Thorne on Saturday in their opening engagement and scored 133 for 4 before dismissing Thorne for 77. So in all, it is a ‘treble.’

Norman Oakley scored 57 for the Council side at Thorne and E. Waddington 48. The Thorne wickets were more or less evenly shared, but Denaby supporters would be interested to see that Jack Munden, Denaby and Cadeby opening bat for so many seasons, now with Thorne, batted through the Thorne innings for 33 not out.

The second team ousted Whiston Parish Church for 117 and scored 123 for 4. Bobby Walker, who in the opening match scored 59 not out, hitting another unbeaten 50 on Saturday.