Denaby Celebrates Mining Centenary.

December 1964

South Yorkshire Times, December 12, 1964.

Denaby Celebrates Mining Centenary

The importance of the individual in the mining industry was emphasised on Wednesday when, Denaby Main Colliery celebrated a century of mining.

All the 100 other collieries 1100 workmen, with officials of management and unions, were guests at a centenary dinner at a Doncaster Hotel to recall the start of mining at Denaby in 1864.

Mr W.H.Sales, chairman of the Yorkshire Division of the National Coal Board asked the men to remember their forebears on this hundredth anniversary. Whatever changes had taken place over the years, and however much conditions had improved, they would you in a large measure to the efforts of those who had gone before.

He added, “I consider it should be one of your main desires that those who come after you should get better conditions and enjoy a better relationship because of your actions in the present.”

Next 100.

Colliery manager, Mr D McTigue, told guests, “We must dwell tonight on the next hundred years. It is essential that we keep the colliery going at least throughout our lifetimes, and there is no reason – providing Lord Rogan does his job – why we should not keep it going for another hundred years.”

In mining terms and socially, Denaby had been in the forefront for many years, said Mr McTigue. There was, for example, the introduction of the American system of mining in 1942 and introduction of shearers – the pride of all management – 1951 for the first time at any colliery in Yorkshire.

In its football, its welfare scheme – one of the best in the country – and in its Ambulance Brigade, Denaby Main had also been in the forefront.


The manager added that it was their job to ensure the survival of Denaby Colliery and the village and said, “We have every chance of doing this.

“I do hope the feeling that is growing within the pit will continue and that the present spirit of cooperation will increase,” he said. “There is a good nucleus of men here tonight who can help this to happen.”

Mr S Schofield, Yorkshire Area secretary of the N. U.M.said managements most never forget that the individual man was the most important feature of all. This

Other guests included Mr G Fellows, Yorkshire Area president of N.A.C.O.D.S.Mr L were mauled, national president and Yorkshire area, general secretary of N.A.C.O.D.S.and Mr H Heath, general manager of Rotherham number three area.

Principal guests received engraved trophies from Mr G Ryan, Denaby N.U.M.branch secretary


Pictured at the Reception at the Denaby Colliery Centenary Dinner at Wilsic  Hall  are Mr S Robinson (Underground Engineer), Mr G.A. Gray and Mr E.Hanwell (Under Manager’s), Mr McTighe (manager) and Mr L Beecham (Under Manager)