Denaby Child’s Death – Scalded With Bacon Fat

June 1932

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 24 June 1932

Denaby Child’s Death

Scalded With Bacon Fat

A Harassed Mother

“If he had had his shoes on it might have been avoided because she would have beard him coming behind her.” was the opinion expressed by the father of Edward Genders. a Denabv child, aged two, who was fatally scalded by boiling fat when he upset the frying pan which his mother was carrying, and on whom an inquest was held at the Fullerton Hospital on Monday. The accident occurred on June 12th and the child died last Friday.

Ernest Harold Genders, father, a miner, of 102, Annerley Street, Denaby, who gave evidence of identification, said that at 11 a.m. on June 12th his wife called upstairs. “Come down, I have scalded little Edward” She told him she had been frying bacon and had followed one of the other children outside with the frying pan in her band. The little boy came, behind her and when she turned round the frying pan tilted and the fat went over him. If the boy had had his shoes on she would have heard him and the accident might have been avoided.

Hannah Mary Genders, mother, said that when she turned round she seemed to stumble over the child, who caught the frying pan with his chin causing it to tilt so that the boiling fat went on to his body. She dropped the pan, took off the child’s jersey and called for her husband. They put olive oil on the burns and the husband then took the child to the hospital.

The Coroner (Mr. W H. Carlile): What did you carry the pan about with you for?

There were other children round the fire and I took it with me thinking there would be accidents if I did not.

The Coroner: How many children have you?

Seven, six besides Edward.

The Coroner: You have got more titan your share then.

Dr. J. MacArthur said the child had scalds on the neck, chest, right shoulder, and right arm. A scald with fat was always more severe than one with water. The child seemed to be doing all right until Wednesday. It died at two o’clock on Friday from septicaetuia following the scalds.

The Coroner said the facts pointed to a pure accident, and a verdict of “Accidental death” was recorded.