Denaby Collier’s Escapade

August 1909

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Thursday 05 August 1909

Denaby Collier’s Escapade

A case which is becoming common amongst colliers was heard at Doncaster yesterday. Friend Samuel Daynes, alias Frank Day, collier, Denaby, being charged with stealing and embezzling £2 money belonging to his fellow-workmen.

Mr. F. Allen appeared for the prosecution.

Prisoner worked in a certain stall at the Denaby Pit, and for the week ending May 29 received 17s. 6d., out of which he had to pay John Frederick Pickering £1 1s. 1 ½ d., and Fred King and George Willoughby 4s. 1 ½ d. each, and other men varying sums.

Pickering saw prisoner receive the money, and went to him for his share. He saw him outside the Reresby Arms, and prisoner told him to “wait a bit,” He waited some time, and prisoner did not return, he went to the Miners’ Arms at Mexborough, and to prisoner’s lodgings, but failed to find him. He then gave information to the police.

Prisoner was apprehended Nottingham on Friday, and now said that, having paid one man too much, he went in search of him but did not succeed. He had not enough left for himself and the other men.

On going into the payments, and taking prisoner’s own statement, he had £1 9s. 6d. in hand after all the payments he had made.

There was previous conviction against prisoner for stealing a bicycle, and he was sent to prison for one month.