Denaby Colliery Official’s Sudden Death

February 1929

Mexborough and Swinton Times February 8, 1929

Denaby Colliery Official’s Sudden Death.
Mr. A. Rose.

The death occurred with distressing suddenness on Saturday morning of Mr. Alfred Rose, of “Sunnyside, ” Denaby Main aged 53, enginewright at the Denaby Main Colliery. Mr. Rose was on his rounds, apparently in his usual health, on Saturday morning, when he had a seizure and collapsed in the timekeeper’s office. He was taken home, and shortly afterwards lost consciousness and died.

He had been in the service of the Denaby and Cadeby Colliery Company for many years, and became enginewright, in July, 1916.

He was a man of sterling character and was greatly esteemed.

He was a son of Mr. Vincent. Rose, for many years enginewright at both collieries.

Mr. Rose was a widower, his wife having been dead 29 years.

The funeral took place on Monday at Conisborough, a service being held en route at Epworth Hall, Denaby Main;- Mr. H. Epworth conducted; Mr. H. Wood officiated. Mr. Wood also officiated at the graveside. The bearers were former workmen from the Denaby Colliery: Messrs. L. Stones, G. Frost, E. Mason, W. Mee, T. Flinders and J. Tutill.