Denaby Colliery Posts – Mr. N. Hulley Appointed Agent

June 1942

South Yorkshire Times, June 20th 1942

Denaby Colliery Posts

Mr. N. Hulley Appointed Agent

Mr. N Hulley, who was appointed manager of Denaby Colliery in August, 1931, and a few years ago was promoted to the position of agent-manager of the colliery has been appointed to the post of agent for the Colliery.

Mr Hulley has served all his time with the combine, and is assured of many expressions of goodwill for further success in his appointment from the various public services with which he is connected He holds the rank of Major in the local Home Guard (of which he is Commanding Officer), and is also Corps Supt. of the St John Ambulance Brigade treasurer of the Fullerton Hospital and president of the Annerley Street Institute.

Mr J. Halford, who has been appointed manager of Denaby Colliery, and commenced his new duties last Monday, has been undermanager of the Barnsley seam at Cadeby Colliery since 1936.

Previously he was manager at Darton Colliery before it was closed down. He has been popular at Cadeby Colliery, where he has taken a great interest in the pit boys and their welfare. He has been lecturer both at the collieries and the Modern School in the safety classes for boys, and was secretary of the Denaby and Cadeby Boys’ Education Fund. He is an officer in the Ambulance Brigade.