Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 04 July 1902
Denaby Colliery Prosecutions.
John McGowan, of Denaby, was summoned by the Denaby Main Colliery Company foe a breach of Colliery Special Rule 99.
Mr. W. M. Gichird, solicitor. of Rotheruam, appeared to prosecute and be stated that the defendant was charged with taking a pipe into the mine. The company wished the men to be more careful in searching their clothes before going into the mine.
The defendant pleaded guilty, and be was 2s. 6d. arid 11s. 6d. costs.
William Guest, a youth, of Demby, was also charged at the instance of the colliery company for a. breach of Colliery Rule 85.
Defendant pleaded guilty.
Mr Gichard again prosecuted and stated that the defendant summoned for having committed a breach of Colliery Rule 86. and that was for having without authority, interfered with the signalling in the mine. It was a very dangerous to do and might have resulted in loss of life and injury to persons in the mine. The company felt bound to bring that case before the Court, as the defendant had previously been warned for similar offences.
The defendant said that the hanger on had often told him to “rap off.”
Defenelant was fined 5/- and the costs