Mexborough Times, March 23.
Denaby and Cadeby Main United Cricket Club Smoking Concert.
Yesterday (Thursday) evening a grand smoking concert was held in the large concert room at the Reresby Arms, Denaby Main, under the auspices of the Denaby and Cadeby Main Cricket Club. There was a large company present.
The proceedings were under the able presidency of Mr H.H.Wray, of Denaby Main. The program open with an excellent selection on the pianoforte and concertina by Mr and Mrs Taylor. The chairman then made a few well chosen remarks, urging the young men of Denaby and neighbourhood to join the cricket club, and he will promise to do all in his power to make the club a thorough success. It was possible, in his opinion, to have one of the best, if not the best, colliery clubs in South Yorkshire at Denaby Main. He hope shortly to come and live amongst them permanently, and then he should be able to do more for them. (Cheers).
Mr L Murray of Parkgate, followed with a good sentimental song, for which he was applauded.
Mr Mellor of Denaby main, acquitted himself very creditably in the song, “Queen of my Heart.”
Mr Tom Olivant, of the Eagle and Child, Conisborough, gave a good rendering of the song, “saved,” for which he was deservedly encored.
Mr W.Moore gave a magnificent rendering of the recitation, “Won by a head,” and was loudly applauded.
Mr G. Carr, another local vocalists, delighted the audience with the song, “The dear old Village School.”
The Misses Mellor and Murray gave the popular duet, “Excelsior,” and a cornet solo followed by a useful executant.
The next performer was still more youthful a little boy about six or seven years of age, Mr Harry Soar, in his recitation on “the Death of a Soldier at the Front.”
Other songs, recitations etc .followed, and altogether a most pleasant evening was spent. Mr Weston, landlord of the Reresby Arms, kept admirable order, and it is to be hoped that the effort will result in a substantial sum being added to the funds of the club.