Denaby Defended – “Beer-Drinking and Romanism Two Great Qualities.”

May 1930

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Friday 16 May 1930

Denaby Defended.

“Beer-Drinking and Romanism Two Great Qualities.”

Wicked Denaby means wicked Nonconformists,” says Canon Leteux, Roman Catholic parish priest there, in reply to the allegations —characterised by the Canon as a breach of the eighth Commandment —made at the Sheffield district Wesleyan Synod at Barnsley that Denaby was one the wickedest places in the area, a hotbed ” of Romanism, and a difficult district for Nonconformists to work in.

The Canon says: “The objection seems to because they drink beer at Denaby. England in the old days of beer-drinking secured its territories, and great deeds were done. Now that we are on the water-wagon we have unemployment, the dole, birth-control, divorce, and such like. The Nonconformists have ceased to teach anything, and that is why they are failing. After Mass I don’t see any reason why my people should not enjoy themselves.

“Beer drinking and Romanism or two great qualities and not too great evils. The nonconformists are in power now are making it impossible for people to have a drink.

“Catholic work is progressing here,” said Canon Leteux. “During the last ten years, something like £19,000 has been spent on new buildings, and every year have had 20 or 30 converts. In Denaby, divorce and birth control are unknown. Denaby people are good, honest, and hardworking people. “The accusations made against Denaby are too comical to be taken seriously. We (the Catholics) have 500 children in our schools, and they are being taught to become good lawabiding citizens. The circumstances for church work at Denaby are no worse than for church work in Barnsley, Sheffield, or anywhere else. “More Nonconformists are giving up their schools and are being reduced to sacred concerts and tea parties”