“Denaby Does Not Want an Epidemic,”

September 1951

South Yorkshire Times September 22, 1951

“Denaby Does Not Want an Epidemic,”

Conisbrough Urban Council Public Health Committee chairman, Councillor R. H. Shepard, told the Council on Monday that he was being approached every day by people who wanted dustbins.

The lack of dustbins were delaying the Council in collecting refuse. People had nowhere to put the refuse except on the floor in the yard. The Council did not want an epidemic in Denaby. They had been waiting a long time for information from the Urban Councils Association with a view to raising the matter with the Government about who were the responsible people for providing dustbins.

At a meeting of the Public Health Committee the Senior Sanitary Inspector, Mr. R. E. Ingleby, submitted a report on the shortage of dustbins in the area, and it was agreed that the Clerk, Mr. R. W. Birch, should obtain certain information from adjoining Authorities for consideration at the next meeting.