Denaby Driver in Fog Mishap

January 1950

South Yorkshire Times January 7, 1950

Denaby Driver in Fog Mishap

Said to have collided with a policeman riding a pedal cycle at Worksop Road, Aston, a 21-years-old ice cream vendor, Sidney Keywood, of 53, Bamburgh Street, Denaby Main, appeared at Rotherham West Riding Court on Monday charged with driving his motor van without due and attention.

He pleaded not guilty, and the case was dismissed absolutely on payment off 17. 6d. costs.

Mr M.D. Shaffner, prosecuting said on November 16 as P.C. Brook cycled past the front of the van the accused was concentrating more on his left than his right side and collided with the rear wheel of the policeman’s pedal cycle, and the cycle was slightly damaged.

Keywood told the Court it was foggy at the time that he did not see the officer.