Denaby Drowning Mystery – Miner´s Death Unexplained

April 1923

Mexborough & Swinton Times, April 14th

Denaby Drowning Mystery

Roman Terrace Miner´s Death Unexplained

Mr. Frank Allen held an inquest at the Station Hotel, Conisbrough, on Monday night, into the death of Edward Freeman, aged 52, miner, of 3, Barker street, Wath road, Swinton, who had been missing since March 28, and was found drowned in the canal near Kilner Brothers Glass Bottle Works, Conisbrough, on Sunday afternoon.

His widow, Sarah Jane Freeman, said he had not been in good health for some time and had been off work with rheumatism for seven weeks immediately prior to his disappearance. He had no money and had not “thrown on Lloyd George”, why, she could not say. The home had been carried on during that time by their son. On March 28, about ten o´clock in the morning, he left home and did not say where he was going. She had not seen him since.

Edwin Freeman, of 23, Doncaster Road, Denaby Main, a miner, identified the body as that of his nephew, and said that on Wednesday morning, March 28, at about half past ten, his nephew called on him. He did not sit down and only stayed a few minutes. He seemed quite cheerful and said he was going to Bentley to see his sister-in-law. Witness watched him go in the direction of Doncaster.

Thomas Wilks, pony driver, of 60, Maltby street, Denaby Main, said he saw the body floating in the canal near Kilners Glass Works on Sunday afternoon about four o´clock. He notified the police, who recovered the body and removed it to the Station Hotel.

Police Constable Lunn said there was no mark of violence on the body and no money in the clothing, only two clay pipes and a handkerchief.

The Coroner registered a verdict of “Found Drowned”.

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