Denaby Football Club – Concert Last Night.

8 March 1901

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 08 March 1901

Denaby Football Club.

Concert Last Night.

Denaby Football Club its liabilities, like any other similar organisation, and it has also its friends and supporters.

A very large number, some 360, assembled last sight in the large room of the Reresby Arms Hotel, kept by Mr. T. Weston, on the occasion of a smoking concert, organised with the object of raising funds to help to pay off the debt involved in the fencing the football ground.

The cost of this great improvement was about £130.

Last night’s gathering was of a most enthusiastic character. Mr. J. Venables, of Mexborough was the chairman, and be was ably supported be Mr. A. Thompson, Mr. H. Platt, Mr. T. Barron, Mr. F. King. Mr. W. S. Petitt, Mr. A. Raynor. Mr. O. Bennett, Mr. J Millwoofd (all of Mexbro), Dr F. Graham Twigg, and other Denaby friends.

A most interesting and amusing programme was gone through, the principal performers being Mr. Billy Elliott, the well-known Swinton humours, and Miss Katie King, who sang sentimental and patriotic songs with dramatic force. Messrs. G Carr, J. Hakin, J. Megan’s, and others also sang. Mr. G. Washington was the accompanist and he performed his duties, which were at times somewhat difficult, with excellent ability.

The proceedings proved that in matters of football there is what lawyers would a pronounced community of interest. Only last week Mr. T. Wester, the landlord of the Reresby Arms, occupied the chair at a concert in support of the old Mexbro’ club, and gave a donation of £5 5. Last night Mr. Amos Thompson, of the Montagu Arms, Mexborough,  returned the compliment by giving a sum of £5 5s. to the Denaby club. It was also stated that Mr. George Bennett, of the Ferry Boat Inn, had undertaken to contribute £1 a year so long as the Denaby Club existed.

Mr. A. Thompson, in a short address, said he had gained from his friends at the Denaby Football Club, that they were doing very well, and be hoped they would continue to do so. (Hear. hear.) He concluded by announcing his subscription of five guineas, which created great enthuiissm. He (Mr Thompson) new he got a great deal of support from Denabv and as they always rallied round him he thought it only fair to support them. (Hear, hear.) Mr. Thompson was vociferously cheered, and the audience sang. “He’s a jolly good fellow”, in a hearty manner.

Mr. T. Barron wish the club every success.

Mr T Platt said he had come with the intention of doing all he could for the club and the cause of football. If they only combined they be successful.

Addresses were also given by Mr. G. Bennett, Mr. J. Hakin, Mr. J. Meakin and others.

Towards the conclusion of the proceedings Dr. F. Graham Twigg, on behalf of the club in which he takes a great interest, returned thanks to Mr. Thompson and Mr .Bennett for their splendid donation, and also to others who had contributed financially and otherwise to the success of the effort.

The usual complimentary votes of thanks concluded the proceedings.