Denaby Football Club Dinner

2 May 1900

Mexborough and Swinton Times, May 25th.

Denaby Football Club Dinner.

Present of £50.

Members of the Denaby United Football Club, and a number of friends had a good time on Tuesday evening, when they met to partake of a dinner at the Reresby Arms Hotel, to mark the close of the football season. There was a good attendance.

The host and hostess, Mr and Mrs T.Weston, had spared no pains to make the meal a thorough and complete success. An excellent menu was provided, which included oxtail soup, roasts and boiled mutton, roast veal, roast lamb (with green peas and young potatoes ), salads and pastry.

After dinner Mr W.I.Gibbs presided, and was supported by the following guests and friends. Mr W.C.Biggs, Mr H.Swallow, Mr W.Turner (manager of the Powder Works), Mr J Rothery (Mexborough), Mr R.Dunn (chairman of the football club committee), Mr W.Wright, and others.

The room was decorated with Union Jacks, and other patriotic devices. The toast of “the Queen” was submitted from the chair, and received with musical honours. Mr W.Wright had an interesting announcements to make to the effect that Mr Buckingham Pope Q.C. had sent to the club a present of £50, which was half the sum awarded to him as damages in a recent libel action he had against a northern newspaper. Mr Wright commented on the good fortune of the club in receiving such a magnificent gift at the present time, when funds are urgently needed to enable the committee to pay off. The liabilities incurred in connection with boarding around the field. In conclusion, he called upon the company tells the health of Mr Buckingham Pope, which they did most heartily.

Mr R.Dunn in submitting the toast of the “Denaby Football Club.” pointed out how useful the money would be, and said the next season and effort will be made to get the club into better competitions than the Hatchard Cup and the South Yorkshire League. He announced that Denaby St Chads, the winners of the Doncaster Junior Lee, I decided to amalgamate with the Denaby United club and thus make the last mentioned a stronger and more formidable organisation.

The toast of the “Army, Navy and reserve forces” was submitted by Mr W.Turner, and Mr H.Swallow proposed “post and hostess.” He spoke in deservedly eulogistic terms concerning the quality of the meals supplied by Mr and Mrs Weston.

Mr Weston in the course of his response, remarked that Denaby and a bad name in some quarters. He could testify to the good treatment meted out by the Denaby players and spectators to opposing teams that visited the village. So long as they maintained that he would always have a warm feeling towards the club.

A remarkable outburst of patriotic feeling was witnessed at the close of the meeting. It should be stated that refreshments after dinner had been paid for out of the common fund to which members and the company subscribed. The chairman announce that there was 8s 9d (43p) left, and he suggested it should be handed over to the secretary of the club to be added to the club funds. Someone immediately suggested that 5s (25p) should be sent to Tim Roper (a Denaby football) who is at the war in South Africa, “just so he can have a Jubilee as well as us.” The suggestion was received with loud cheers and immediately adopted. Then Mr Weston said he would add 10s (50p) and Mr Biggs also of 10 shillings, suggesting that another, Denaby soldier, Bartholomew Prendergast, who is in the same Regiment at Tim Roper, should not be forgotten. Mr Gibbs added 10 shilling and soon the whole amount was up to £2. It was agreed that Mr Weston should forward the money next day. He also announced that he would send Tim and Bartholomew. Some copies of the “Mexborough and Swinton times,” containing a report of the gathering.


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