Denaby Girls Romance – Engaged By Cablegram (picture)

September 1925

Mexborough and District Times September 26, 1925

Denaby Girls Romance.
Engaged By Cablegram.

Dsc07664 setters

Miss Catherine Setters whose parents live at 16, Ballby Street, Denaby Main, has received a cablegram from a young man in America, asking her to become his wife.

Miss Setters went to America at the age of 17 years, to join some relatives at Long Island, USA and while there she obtained a situation with a hairdresser. That was five years ago. She came home on her first visit a fortnight ago and will be returning soon – no doubt the cablegram will be responsible for a short stay here than was originally intended.

The gentleman is a builder and contractor in Long Island and he first met Miss Setters about two years ago.

When Miss Setters returned she will take with her brother William aged 19 who is to be a builder.

When asked if she preferred America to England, she said, “I do, because the people there are more sociable; there is no real class distinction, and everything is much better. I would much rather live there, home is home.”

On Monday a party was held in the Miners Welfare Hall, when over 50 persons were entertained to tea. Afterwards more guests arrived and a very happy evening was spent in dancing and games.