Denaby Hospital Sunday – A Successful Demonstration.

August 1921

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 27 August 1921

Denaby Hospital Sunday

A Successful Demonstration.

The annual Hospital Demonstration in aid of the Fullerton Hospital and other medical charities was held at Denaby Main Sunday, and was very successful. There was an imposing procession, led by several bands, through the streets, and a service was held in the “Twenty Acre,” adjoining the hospital. A feature of the procession was a pit pony and “tub,” which collected en route a goodly load of silver and copper.

The service was very bright and hearty, and the singing of the amalgamated choir, conducted by Mr. Wigley, and accompanied by an orchestra, was much enjoyed.

Captain H. C. Harrison presided and was supported on the platform by Alderman R. Morley, of Halifax. Mr. Ben Phipps, of Dodworth, Mr. H. Dothan, the Rev. H. Lee, W. Still. Mr. D. M. Wilson (Mexborough), Councillor J. Shelton and others.

The Vicar of Denaby Main, the Rev. H. Lee, opened the service with prayer. The Chairman was then formally introduced by Mr. Gethin, who said that as a patient, as well as in the capacity of chairman of the management committee of the hospital, he was in an excellent position to know and appreciate the splendid work that was being done by their fine little hospital and its excellent staff.

When he was a patient, he had to pay for the treatment he had received, and never rested until he persuaded his colleagues in the hospital movement to put the hospital on basis which made it possible for the unfortunate people who had to be taken there to receive their treatment tree.

The Chairman said he thought he required little introduction to that audience. He was afraid that those who did not know him in Denaby Main did not want to know him. for he was accessible enough, as most of them were aware. (Laughter). He was not going to dilate on the hospital movement, or the claims of their own little institution, for Denaby people had been gathering on such occasions as this for thirty Years or more, and it they did not know what they were gathering tor, it was time they did, (Laughter).

Alderman Morley congratulated Denaby on the energetic and humane manner in which it had faced and solved this problem of medical service. He learned with pleasure that at Denaby they had linked with the hospital movement a scheme of home medical service. In that respect, at least they were more enlightened than Halifax. It was a duty, as well as an unfortunate necessity to provide well-equipped hospitals in such districts as this, and he was glad to know that the duty and the burden were being cheerfully borne by all classes in the place.

This Mr. Ben Phipps said he had that day inspected the Fullerton Hospital, and had been surprise at the completeness of its equipment and the excellence and efficiency of its arrangements. Denaby had good reason to be proud of it, and every incentive to support it with the utmost possible liberality. He had had many years’ experience of hospital management, as a governor of the Beckett Hospital at Barnsley, and a member of the committee. He knew something of the strain and anxiety involved in maintaining these institutions by voluntary contributions. Only last year a debt of £20,000 on the ‘ Beckett Hospital was cleared off with a supreme effort, and now the hospital was again some thousands in debt. He did not favour the nationalisation of the hospital, because of the notorious inefficiency of State management, but he did think that the voluntary system should he supplemented by contribution from the local rate., while the hospitals continued to be managed by the experts who were now running them. He also felt that the well-to-do did not support the hospitals in proportion to their means. A good deal too much of the burden was left to the working population. He was not prepared to say much about that at Denaby, however for he was glad to learn that the hospital there was generously supported by the colliery company, in co-operation with the colliery employees. He wished there were more colliery companies in the district that took this view of their duties.

Mr. Donald Wilson, secretary of the Montagu Hospital, speaking as deputy for Mr. M. A. Lewis, chairman of that institution, said this was the first demonstration he had attended at Denaby. He was pleased to see that it was so successful, and he trusted that the movement would long flourish. He had listened with sympathy to what had been said by Mr. Phipps about hospital debt. He did not agree with theory many hospital enthusiasts that the best way to enlist public sympathy and support was get into debt. He is view was that debt was a drag and a discouragement upon the hospital movement, and though hospital committees should not be afraid to spend on what was needful, all expenditure should be carefully and advisedly undertaken, and it was better to consult the general body of subscribers, as far as possible, in advance, than to launch schemes that had no democratic sanction, and to trust to the generosity and good nature of the public to pay, for them afterwards.

Votes of thanks concluded the proceedings.

The effort was supplemented by a concert, given in the Large Hall, in the eventing, by the, Mexborough and Swinton Railwaymens’ Choir, the Excelsior Male Voice Quartette, the Alpine Male Voice Quartette. Mrs. J Motson (soprano), and Mr. W. Sheridan (tenor). Mr. A. Butler conducted the choir. and Mr. J. W Watts the accompanist. Mr. W. Still presided.

The demonstration was very capably organised by a Committee of which Mr. Wigley is president. Mr. G. Milnes treasurer, and Mr. F. G. Clarke, secretary.

The effort realised £65.