Denaby Jockey will be “biggest” Man on Campus

May 1963

South Yorkshire Times, May 25th.

Ex Denaby Jockey will be the “biggest” Man on Campus.

A candidate for highest honour at Newark State University.

The “biggest” man on campus at Rutgers Universities evening division at Newark, U.S.A., is 4’10” former Denaby man, Mr Lemuel Jones, a former student at Mexborough Grammar School.

Mr Jones, president of his class, will be a candidate for highest honours at the State Universities 197th anniversary commencing on Wednesday June 5th in New Brunswick.

The Hard Way.

Manager of I.B.M´s Newark Educational Centre by day and full-time student by night, Mr Jones has earnedhis academic honours the hard way. He lives in Maplewood with his wife, Marie, and stepson Kenneth, and went to the United States to stay in 1947 and is now a citizen.

After leaving. Mexborough Grammar School in 1935, he went to Fred Darling’s stables at Marlborough as an apprentice jockey, but his search for excitement also led him to the stage and into the ranks of aspiring professional soccer players.

Finally, he went to sea, serving as a cabin boy and stockhand on several ships, including the Queen Elizabeth.. During World War II, as a chef’s administrative assistant aboard a troopship, he shipped out with at least three convoys, which were attacked by submarine.

Mr Jones made frequent visits to New York during the 11 years he spent at sea. He emigrated to America 16 years ago,moved inwith Scottish friends in Kearney, and went to work in a New Jersey linoleum factory.

Found a Career.

He worked as a labourer while looking round for another career. He found one during a visit to Newark. I.B.M. employed him as a machine operator after he had completed the necessary courses.

His skill as an operator and, more important, his ability to help new employees, did not go unnoticed and Mr Jones was assigned as an instructor in the company’s New York office.

He entered Rutgers evening division in 1953 and set out on a eight year teachers student courts, which would bring him his college degree and the manager’s position with IBM.

Ex-seaman Jones estimates that he has taught more than 4500 persons the use of business machines during the past eight years. He credits his daytime teaching experience with bringing about his success as a student at night.

“When you teach -”

“When you teach,” he claims, “you learn how to learn.”

Mr Jones is not about to close his books after graduating next month. He plans to do graduate work in mathematics after bringing his family during the “for a well deserved holiday.” And there is also the matter of getting stepson Kenneth launched on his college career, which will begin next September at Rutgers College in New Brunswick

Mr B.R.Hadkins, senior Master at Mexborough Grammar School, told the “South Yorkshire Times” this week that he had last seen Lemuel about two years ago at the Old Students Reunion. “He is a really dynamic personality,” he added.

Lemuel’s father 70-year-old Mr Benjamin Jones, an ex-miner, lives in Denaby with his son-in-law and daughter, and Mr and Mrs D. Porter of 3 Alexander buildings. Lemuel is Mr Jones only son, but hehas four daughters, the one living in Denaby,two inConisbrough and one in Bradford.

Mr Jones said his son was home a year last Christmas and they are expecting him again in October with his wife, his mother-in-law and father-in-law. Kenneth will not be able to come as he will be at college.

Mr Lemuel Jones, former Denaby Jockey, actor and seaman, has his graduation cap fitted by 6 foot stepson Kenneth in preparation for Rutgers University´s 197th anniversary commen cement on June 5th

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