Denaby Lad’s Escapade – Broke Barracks Twice in a Week.

April 1912

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 27 April 1912

Denaby Lad’s Escapade.

Broke Barracks Twice in a Week.

A young Denaby lad has appeared before the Doncaster Went Riding Bench of magistrates twice in three days.

He is a slim boy, and on Wednesday morning of last week appeared clad in the khaki uniform of the 2nd Battalion, York and Lancaster Special Reserve. He was charged with being an absentee from the Pontefract barracks.

A police officer, at 8:05 that morning, visited 72, Annerley Street, Denaby, and found the prisoner in uniform. He asked him if he had a pass to be on leave, and he replied “No, I ran away from the barracks on Monday.”

The prisoner admitted being absent without leave, and he was remanded to await an escort.

Friday morning the boy was brought up again, this time charged with being a deserter. It was stated that he only joined the Army on 1 April, and PC Rutter told the magistrates that at 9 o’clock the previous evening he received information respecting the prisoner, and made enquiries. He visited several houses in the district, but failed to find him.

That morning, at 1230, he visited the brickyard at Conisborough, when he discovered the lad asleep in the shed. He was dressed in plain clothes, and when witness asked him his name he gave it as George Clark and said he came from Bradford. Witness asked several questions, and upon opening the lads this found he was wearing a military shirt. He thereupon charged him with being deserter, the prisoner then said “Yes, I am; I escaped from Pontefract Barracks yesterday.”

Witness asked him what had become of his uniform, and he said he had swapped it with a man in the street, but the witness eventually found it in a house at Conisborough

Supt Hickes: the man was before the court on Wednesday, charged with being an absentee?

Witness: Yes, sir

And the following day brought back again?

Yes sir.

Prisoner was remanded for an escort