Sheffield Independent – Monday 06 May 1889
Swinton 78 Aldwarke Park 48
Played at Swinton. Score :
Aldwarke Park 47
Athey 4 wkts
Swinton 78
Tillotson 23, Athey 12, Gomersall 15
Tankersley 53 Wombwell Town 22
Played at Tankersley, and won by the home team
Wombwell Town 22
Ellam 4 wkts, W Hallas 4 wkts
Tankersley 53
Sanderson 15, Gouldthorpe 18; Lisles 6 wkts
Denaby Main 46 White Lane 74
Played at Denaby.
C. Sorsby and C. Shaw batted well for White Lane. Wilkinson and Shaw bowled splendidly.
White Lane. 74
Shaw 13, Sorsby 29
Denaby 46
W Hoyland 11; Shaw 5 wkts, Wilkinson 4 wkts