Denaby Main Branch of The Permanent Relief Fund.

August 1889

Sheffield Evening Telegraph – Thursday 29 August 1889

Denaby Main Branch of The Permanent Relief Fund.

Last evening a public meeting of the Denaby Main miners was held in the schoolroom, Denaby Main, to consider the suggestion made by the committee of management of the funds at Barnsley that contributions to the fund should be increased one penny per full member and one halfpenny per half-member per week.

There was only poor attendance.

The deputation from the committee of management were Messrs. William Fearn and Joseph Ford, and the chair was taken by Mr. Samuel Grontage.

The general opinion of those present was that such a weighty matter as the decision of Denaby Main on the suggestion to increase the contributions should be left to much more representative gathering, there were 900 members the fund at Denaby Mam, and only about 30 were present that night

A member said he believed that the great balk the men were opposed to any increase, but he was reminded by another member that that might not be the case with a great many, and that they ought to be given an opportunity of stating their views.

The Chairman said they ought to consider the Miners’ Permanent Relief Fund by the side of other benefit societies, and then judge between them.

Eventually it was decided to adjourn the meeting for better attendance of members to September 14.